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It is our mission to help people take what they deserve, and live their American Dream.

We are JAK.  A grass roots organization created by New Yorkers.

Some of the most promiant members are Jadejit Minhas, Amanda Lydick, and Krista McCalla. 


Jadejit Minhas

Known as the Queen of the Moving pictures, Madam Minhas is a force to be reckoned with, and known to hold grudges. Her artistic acting and directing has shot her strait to stardom. She hopes that her international fame will one day turn into a career of being an international ambassador for her country. She is currently leading "The Rise of the colored Empire" (16) in order to topple the raciest sexism of East Egg that rules over the rest of New York with an up turned nose. Her goal is to end this age of tyranny and re-civilize civilization.

Amanda Lydick

More commonly referred to as Signal, she was responsible for helping the Queen of Fences (“Mother” Marm Mandelbaum) run her organization in her later years. Growing up in the Lower East side, she was captivated by the possibilities of radio, and the Big Band music it played.  She later on helped develop RCA the New York competitor  to KDKA. Her good friend, Miss Still, help set up the historic fight between Jack Dempsey against Frenchman George Charpentier as a way to pay back their loans to Miss Still. 

Krista McCalla

Miss Still is appropriately nicknamed for the speakeasies she runs at drug stores around New York. She allows credit at her stores which is how Dempsey and Charpentier ended up in debt. She the encourages drinking responsibly, and uses the two previously mentioned people as examples. She also encourages people to watch out for their debt and pay them off quickly because as a part time stock broker she quotes Al Capone,"Wall Street is a Racket."


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